91Friends 56Fans
female Great Britain (UK)
Sometimes Cat, sometimes kitten, occasionally even hooman, but always happy to pass some time with friends.

Sorry but I only add adults.
Niya says
11 years ago 5
So Lola has been renamed Lolo by our Spanish vet....
Niya says
11 years ago 6
we found a rainbow!
Niya says
11 years ago 22
This news just in....I think Lola might be a boy cat! :-o
Niya says
11 years ago 3
Actually Jake that wasn't the fearsome growl of a fierce intruding was just my tummy. You can stand down now. :-))
Niya shares
11 years ago 3
I need my mum to knit one of these for Jake by next christmas!
11 years ago 4
Jake is quite taken with his (used to be mine) toy gorilla. He has developed somewhat of a crush on it. We have to hide it when guests come! (blush)
Niya says
11 years ago 10
Has anyone seen The Way Way Back?
Niya says
11 years ago 6
Merry Christmas from Jake The Dog!
Niya says
11 years ago 7
Yay finished work for Christmas :-D
Niya says
11 years ago 7
some puppy earned himself a bath!