Niya says
10 years ago
Oh hai, it's been ages. Here is a pic of Jake on his first ever holiday with a sandy beard!
latest #13
10 years ago
looks like he's having fun
10 years ago
Aww, hi Jake! I was just thinking of you yesterday, Niya (cozy)
10 years ago
Happy dog there.
10 years ago
(cozy) So adorable!
10 years ago
Niya says
9 years ago
Yes he had an amazing time! We are also going to meet a rescue dog tomorrow for poss adoption cos we need a little more crazy !
Marshall hopes
9 years ago
that goes well, and (cozy) for considering rescue.
Niya says
9 years ago
WeeKnipper: hugs I often think of you too, and all of the other innmates! I need to get in here more often nods
Niya says
9 years ago
sachikitten: She's a rescue from Croatia who has had a horrible start to life but has been coming along really well in a foster home. :-)
9 years ago
Niya says
9 years ago
She's proven good with cats and other dogs once she determines they don't want to hurt her. It'll depend on a successful meeting with Jake.
Nakala hopes
9 years ago
for the best! (cozy)
9 years ago
Jake looks great!
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