23Friends 46Fans
female San Francisco, CA, United States
8 years ago 15
...called my teacher...her daughter died...I did not know until this telephone call...she was very upset and depressed and angry at me...I am very very sorry... :-o :-( (cozy)
HenryHSCheng needs
8 years ago
to crash without having to relieve his bladder... (unsure)
8 years ago 1
...it has taken weeks for me to recover from a common cold and I am still out of shape...feel so cold, wet and weak...no appetite and lack the strength to walk down a flight of stairs to dispose some trash...
8 years ago
...going to bed without sleeping pills is a luxury...but it really relaxes the nerves too much and my body suffers malfunctions that way...
8 years ago 1
...slept through the clock change! Went to bed at 1900 yesterday and got up at 0230 and then 0630 for a KFC breakfast, back to bed, up again at 1230 for real...almost time for evening news and dinner...
8 years ago
...for some reason the KFC grilled chicken tasted not very tasty today... (unsure)
HenryHSCheng has
8 years ago 6
been eating too much...need to throttle back...body crying foul after taking 300% as much as a normal period of time...
8 years ago 1
...body getting back to normal...so I am feeling hot...have taken too much energy for a few days trying to recover...30 eggs since Sunday... :-o
8 years ago
...should be getting better...switched to real Vicks Nyquil from generic and added antibiotics... (gym)
HenryHSCheng shares
8 years ago 1