23Friends 46Fans
female San Francisco, CA, United States
9 years ago
...doubling the Nyquil dose was a bad idea...I slept soundly bit relaxed the body too much to a point that I got spasm and lost some physical functions... (unsure)
9 years ago 1
...went out to buy lunch and was distracted and almost bumped into the glass pane of a bus stop...and nearly passed out after a coughing fit...but the rice box was delicious...roasted pork was still crispy...
9 years ago
...coughing does not hurt so much after taking antibiotics...
HenryHSCheng is
9 years ago 5
so weak...tempted to use antibiotics to kill the flu or whatever...3 weeks of this...I am done... (sick)
HenryHSCheng is
9 years ago
still negotiating with Windows Media Centre on W10...it is a hack so it has got a lot of bugs...and the W7 or 8/8.1 drivers would not install and the W10 driver stops recording in the middle of a programme...
9 years ago
...eggs and corn dogs are good at replenishing energy...killed 8 and 6 of them in the past 24 hours...not healthy but I really have no appetite and have to eat something tasty...
9 years ago
...coughing for 3 weeks has destroyed my throat...might start taking antibiotics to kill this thing... (sick)
HenryHSCheng shares
9 years ago 11
【加拿大援軍 Canadian reinforcement of Hong Kong】
9 years ago
...summoned enough energy to walk 4 blocks to get chocolate, hot dog on sticks and eggs...too weak to go out efferyday to buy food... (sick)