8 years ago
...called my teacher...her daughter died...I did not know until this telephone call...she was very upset and depressed and angry at me...I am very very sorry... :-o :-( (cozy)
latest #15
8 years ago
8 years ago
I am so shocked and sorry to hear that
coco says
8 years ago
Henry, May your Soul Rest in Peace-We'll miss you always (tears) (tears) (tears) (tears)
coco says
8 years ago
愿你的灵魂得到安息,来生投胎到好个好家庭和有美好+幸福婚姻, miss you forever...........you will never be forgotten!!!!!!!
8 years ago
Henry, I know you will come back to look at your Plurk... I am sorry that you left us in this way. Wish that you have opened up your mouth and ask for help. You are a guy with very kind heart
8 years ago
but the fate did not treat you fairly. However, hope you can let go all the unpleasant and focus on the next life. Remember your mind set will set your future course. You should not be bothered by all the
8 years ago
bad elements that happened in this life. If you believe in Buddhism then continue to chant 阿彌陀佛. If you believe in Christian, then pray for Jesus to guide you.
8 years ago
They say a person committed suicide will fall into the hell. I hope it's not what you are facing but if so please be strong. Continue to chant 阿彌陀佛 with all you heart.
8 years ago
I am a Buddhist so I prepare this 無量壽經 for you. The core believe is if you can sincerely let go all the burdens and attachments and follow 阿彌陀佛 then you will go to 極樂世界 where you can learn the truth of the
8 years ago
life and the universe. Eventually, under the guidance of 阿彌陀佛,you can become a buddha yourself.
jgg2006 says
8 years ago
u r our friend forever ! (tears)
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