843Friends 376Fans
female Adelaide, Australia
Designer of clothing for men and women in Second Life.
7 years ago 3
Bad day at work today. feeling overwhelmed. this new job is so intense. I love it but God it's hard
EclecticWingtips says
7 years ago 9
So i havent been around much. Life has been insanely busy. My partner is moving in next weekend. I have a new job and my mother was in a serious car accident
7 years ago
waiting to have my foot xrayed and ultrasounded. so bored
EclecticWingtips says
7 years ago 7
Meeting my partners parents today. Freaking out. I met them breifly once before we were together but now im meeting them as their daughters same sex partner. They didnt even know she liked women until now.
EclecticWingtips says
7 years ago 2
Five days off work. Having a massage, facial and manicure today and lunch at the best italian place in town
EclecticWingtips says
7 years ago 4
Day one of new job is over. No one knows what the hell im suposed to do haha. Should be an interesting time
EclecticWingtips says
7 years ago 11
Starting a new job today. Im so damn nervous. Its in the same organization but its a very different role and im out of my comfort zone
EclecticWingtips says
7 years ago 6
I need a good dairy free cake recipe. Anyone got one?
freaky story time!! so I have this teddy I got the day I moved to live with my grandparents. it was torn several times as a child and sewn back up. this week my dog ripped it apart and tore the stuffing out. today I washed the teddy and was going to store him. there was a clang when I got him out...... I looked inside the washing machine
7 years ago 3
drove to Melbourne yesterday and found this on the way!