7 years ago
freaky story time!! so I have this teddy I got the day I moved to live with my grandparents. it was torn several times as a child and sewn back up. this week my dog ripped it apart and tore the stuffing out. today I washed the teddy and was going to store him. there was a clang when I got him out...... I looked inside the washing machine
latest #12
7 years ago
and I found my grandmothers ring!!!! earlier today I had been showing my girlfriend family photos!!
7 years ago
somehow the ring ended up in that teddy I have had for 20 years. my nana died when I was 12!
Little Pariah
7 years ago
Wow, that's incredible
7 years ago
it is seriously unbelievable. I am still processing it honestly. weirdest thing ever
7 years ago
That's amazing!
7 years ago
oh what a lovely surprise
7 years ago
That is fantastic
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
That is amazing! Especially since the dog had its way with the teddy. Do you think your grandma hid it there?
7 years ago
Wow what s wonderful surprise
7 years ago
obsolete: that's what my girlfriend thinks, but she is a sentimental woman. I think I probably took it when I was a kid or it was an accident when it was sewn up
7 years ago
accident or not its pretty damn cool that it turns up all these years later
7 years ago
definately lilly. it needs restoration as it is kissing stone but it fits me so I'm going to restore it soon and wear it
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