Becca Stareyes
238Friends 66Fans
female Lincoln, NE, United States
She/her (I go by Rebecca, Becca, or Stareyes online)

: Penric kin Jurald

Muselist -- needs updating
Discord: beccastareyes
Becca Stareyes
4 weeks ago
Testing a character at Viva La. Because I want to explore testing the least rebellious character I have in the 'what will you do to get home' department.
Becca Stareyes
4 weeks ago
Trying to figure out who to test drive at Viva La...
Becca Stareyes
4 weeks ago 7
One of the interesting things about browsing the Baldur's Gate 3 tag on Tumblr is how original-character centric it is. As a fandom old who grew up in the 'if you have an OC, especially if they are romancing a canon character, it is probably a Mary Sue', it's certainly a shift.
Becca Stareyes
1 months ago 3 @Edit 1 months ago
Becca Stareyes
1 months ago 11
Character mothers...
Becca Stareyes
2 months ago 2 @Edit 2 months ago
[rp][video games] So, I mentioned I was writing letters as my Baldur's Gate 3 character. Well I made a journal!
Becca Stareyes
2 months ago 7
I've been playing Baldur's Gate 3 and keeping track of plots by having my Tav write letters to a friend. (Right now, it's still in the 'I'm likely to die, so here's what happened' phase.) I wonder if it's worth posting them somewhere.
Becca Stareyes
2 months ago 9
Friend who is not an X-men fan, but her late wife was: Okay, I know Maddie is Cable's mom, but what happened to her after that? I know Scott got back with Jean at some point...
Me: Do you want Summers Family Story Time?
Friend: Not until my headache goes away.
Becca Stareyes
2 months ago 9
Thursday nights are my 'playing D&D in the legend of Zelda setting'. Last night, we infiltrated a Yiga stronghold in disguise.