Becca Stareyes
2 months ago
I've been playing Baldur's Gate 3 and keeping track of plots by having my Tav write letters to a friend. (Right now, it's still in the 'I'm likely to die, so here's what happened' phase.) I wonder if it's worth posting them somewhere.
latest #7
Becca Stareyes
2 months ago
I'm using my last Forgotten Realms TTRPG character, who actually did fight a mind flayer as the final boss in that game. Belantar/Bel's a drow rogue who is the older brother of Ilphyl (who I've played on Dreamwidth).
Tonberry King
2 months ago
that sounds really neat actually, so yes, definitely worth
That's a cute idea
Becca Stareyes
2 months ago
I suppose I could create a journal for Bel. (And probably add some OOC notes.)
visible snoot
2 months ago
no, I love this idea!
2 months ago
awww i love that
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
(also, drow fistbump!! my tav was a teef but the durge i'm playing rn is a drow bard/cleric)
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