Becca Stareyes
2 months ago
Friend who is not an X-men fan, but her late wife was: Okay, I know Maddie is Cable's mom, but what happened to her after that? I know Scott got back with Jean at some point...
Me: Do you want Summers Family Story Time?
Friend: Not until my headache goes away.
latest #9
Back on Gunpla
2 months ago
Thank goodness it's the Summers Family Tree and not the Pym one
Becca Stareyes
2 months ago
Well, yes, at least I don't have to argue about robot paternity and Oedipus complexes, and the fact that gets into the Maximoff twins via marriage and then we get to play 'who is their bio dad this year?'.
Becca Stareyes
2 months ago
I am grateful that AFAIK, there is no main-Marvel connection between them.
2 months ago
That’s So Valid
2 months ago
Never consume X-men facts unless your body is fully prepared
2 months ago
Summers Family Story time is not a simple time
Tonberry King
2 months ago
I had a neighbor who worked for scholastic and one day they gave me I guess advance copies of the novelizations of "Cyclops and Phoenix" and "The Phalanx Covenant" right in time for me to drink deep and get in on the ground floor of Generation X
Tonberry King
2 months ago
but that first book there.....yeah, the Summers Family Timeline
2 months ago
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