Becca Stareyes
4 months ago
One of the interesting things about browsing the Baldur's Gate 3 tag on Tumblr is how original-character centric it is. As a fandom old who grew up in the 'if you have an OC, especially if they are romancing a canon character, it is probably a Mary Sue', it's certainly a shift.
latest #7
4 months ago
I like that. I did not have the confidence to create OCs but it is a nice change in general attitude!
Becca Stareyes
4 months ago
Makes sense in the game, where most people are playing as a Custom Origin, or the Dark Urge (which has a set backstory, but wakes up with amnesia, and has a customizable race and class). But it is nice to see the fandom running with it
4 months ago
I'm glad to see it :-D (But I mean, with my OC hoarding ways, I would be XD)
Becca Stareyes
4 months ago
One of the things about being a Fandom Old and a tabletop RPer is getting used to the idea 'I could create an OC for this setting'.
4 months ago
I think I lucked out with the section of fandom I was in. The idea of RPs allowing canon chars is still weird to me. All the email games I was in starting in the late 90s were OC only.
Becca Stareyes
4 months ago
Yeah. It's hecking weird when you realize that there were circles of games where 'of course you can't play Luke Skywalker' and others where 'no, you can't bring your original Jedi'.
4 months ago
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