Inspired by Drama Drama Duck, this game will have various zany events and opportunities for you to deform your character's canon in interesting ways such as rescuing someone from their shitty world or recruiting people from other worlds to help fight your endboss.
Or you can just relax and have your character post cute animal gifs on the network.
Opt-in Network events, called hiccups, can be all kinds of temporary eccentric reality malfunctions like your characters' lives turning into musicals, everyone thinking they're actors, your canons becoming a version that is IN SPACE.
The ultimate opposite of a jamjar where characters are abducted from their worlds into a shared settings, characters instead remain in their original worlds (though you can change that), posting on a shared network.
The network itself is friendly but often quite hapless. Turns out running a multiversal network is hard!
let's GO, y'all can hang out with
or annoy Hades from hit game
by dying and accidentally his noble House
Oh man... I haven't played in a game in ages... and this is tempting, so very tempting... /stares at her unused AU characters longlingly
Yes, we accept AU characters.
(This is the head mod posting under her personal account)
it's a good game for that
I'm so tempted to drag either Trixie or Skyfire out of retirement for this. I always wanted to join DDD but time and life at the time nuked me.
Ooo Discord
/joins the discord then goes to find my accoun passwords... lol
had a moment where i thought the reclaim counted for original DDD characters and went "wait"
I just dumped Trixie on the TDM while I try and remember how to write applications.
superfine: I'm not sure we could even find the apps in that case honestly. DDD CRAUs would be considered though!
oooooo you allow AU characters?!
I might suddenly be tempted by this
AUs, CRAUs, and OCs were all major points behind why we came up with this idea, so yeah
I'm not entirely sure about coming back or not, but... Meybe...
We would love to have you back, but the choice is yours!
Well, I joined into the discord, just to see what's up
I'm thinking about it, possibly
I'm gonna see if I can't get some RP mojo going
o.o oooooh. placeholder for later.
OMG 😭😭😭 nostalgia for ddd so strong
It's nice that the concept is similar enough to DDD but is community based instead of being spread out over so many journals. I'm having a blast.