164Friends 6Fans
female United States
Viva La:
Deedee Yeowoo
Senshi of Izaganda

Take care of yourselves; someone has to.

Professional GM.
Ask me about the Wonders of Mundus.
2 weeks ago 1
The #WondersOfMundus, Vol 1.1: Reborn on the Shores of Awakening is now available in paperback and ebook for $14.95!

Join Deedee Yeowoo and her queer guildmates in Free Company Dungeon Crawling And Chill as they wake up in the virtual world of Mundus!

The Wonders of Mundus, Part 1: Reborn on the Shores ...
Talia B. (
11 hours ago

And my new #WondersOfMundus campaign in Valor, 12 Noon Pacific/3 PM Eastern Saturday, has 3 players and is go on April 12th!

We have room for up to 3 more - explore a conspiracy that threatens to destroy both our heroes trapped in game and the Free City of Salzberg!

Play Valor: the Heroic Roleplay System Online | Valo...
Talia B. (
"Keshet and the Hebrew Free Loan Society are partnering to offer interest-free loans of up to $10,000 for individuals and families to support relocation costs to another state because of anti-LGBTQ+ laws, policies, and climate in their current state of residence."

You do not need to be Jewish to apply.

Eli Valley (
Yesterday @Edit Yesterday

Wonders Of Mundus Book III - Deedeequest on Sufficient Velocity

Chapter 3.5.4: When Confused Deputies Attack

In which Sekhmet suspects much but can prove little about Ralph's mission of mercy to Deedee's party.


2 days ago 4
The Crate has arrived.
3 days ago 1
i am once again pointing people to Heroes of The Squared Circle, a DC Comics AU fic about down on his luck babyface wrestler “Country” Clark Kent meeting his new mentor, vanity heel Bruce “Billionare Brucie” Wayne - MY GOD IS THAT THE JOKER ON THE TOP ROPE WITH A CROWBAR?!

3 days ago 6
New profile picture - this one of an idealized Me, rather than of Deedee, who isn't intended to be a self-insert.
3 days ago 1
We are looking for up to three additional players for our ongoing D&D: Dragon Heist game on alternative Mondays at 6 PM Pacific / 9 PM Eastern! Enjoy the classic adventure of intrigue and crime in Waterdeep as remixed by The Alexandrian into an epic caper!

Play Dungeons & Dragons 5e Online | Dragon Heist
4 days ago 3 @Edit 4 days ago
After some deliberation - including completely exhausting the vtubie database looking for candidates - we have our Ace Striker.

Joining me, Lampy, and the rest of the cast for the March 22nd Wonders of Mundus Valor livestream is the talented teamergency !

Talia B. (
4 days ago 10
I have learned through bitter experience that if you hold auditions for the role of, say,

“Major Jie-Bai “Victoria” Lin”

without also saying “who is Chinese therefore I am looking for Chinese VA’s”,

Half the audition room will be blonde. Sometimes even then.