EclecticWingtips says
7 years ago
When was the moment you realised you wanted to marry your significant other?
latest #22
7 years ago
Hasn't happened yet
Little Pariah
7 years ago
Probably day two? We got engaged on day six
Theo Bucket
7 years ago
Within a few weeks of meeting her. I have been thinking about you the last few hours, wondering about your relationship but it seemed weird to ask. I may have a good guess now.
EclecticWingtips says
7 years ago
SexySiloPuddinPie: Hahaha it's fine to ask. She is absolutely amazing. We have both found the past few weeks amazingly hard with me being away ( the trip was planned before we got together)
EclecticWingtips says
7 years ago
Marriage isn't an option for us since its not legal in Oz yet, but we have talked about our future ;-)
7 years ago
The day I met him
7 years ago
I walked out of where he worked and turned to my mum and said "mum I love him, can I marry him?!"
Theo Bucket
7 years ago
Saffpots - that's so sweet!
Theo Bucket
7 years ago
gidge told her roommate that I was the one immediately.
Theo Bucket
7 years ago
EclecticWingtips - have her parents come around?
EclecticWingtips says
7 years ago
So adorable guys :-) Michelle and I both have talked about knowing for a long time there was something there. It weird cos thinking about marriage is hard when it's not legal but I was looking at jewellery here in thailand
EclecticWingtips says
7 years ago
And had such a desire to buy her a ring ;-)
EclecticWingtips says
7 years ago
SexySiloPuddinPie: she hasn't told her dad and no her mum hasn't :-( her mum texted her for the first time since Christmas the other week
MarvelMouse says
7 years ago
I realized it when we were suddenly having a serious conversation about the Pope. I know that sounds odd, but I felt like he was talking TO me and not AT me, we took each other seriously. And I realized I wanted that and him for the rest of my life.
isle says
7 years ago
ArianaSz: same Pretty much day 2, engaged but not actually verb ally specified within a few more days.
isle says
7 years ago
EclecticWingtips: I am so happy for you. I remember when you were so conflicted about your possible feelings at the very beginning <3
Sandy Q
7 years ago
My husband told his best friend's fiancée (who is now my best friend) that I was "the one" before he had even plucked up the courage to ask me out on a date. She loves telling me that story!
Sandy Q
7 years ago
I am so happy that you are happy with your partner. Fingers crossed the law changes!
7 years ago
After about a month and then we got engaged. 32 years later.
EclecticWingtips says
7 years ago
isle: yeah well working together and being very good friends were both potential disasters. But we no longer work together and we are still amazing friends so it's going well. I miss her so damn much right now though
I'll let you know when it happens. (app-lick) we have a partnership agreement which is the same as being married here in Holland but neither of us are "marriage" type peeps. We did the contract mainly because he got sick.
Wasn't long after we became a serious couple, but events conspired against us, such as her losing her father etc. Coming up on our Civil Partnership anniversary on Tuesday too
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