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female BotBabes Headquarters-Taranatha, SecondLife, United States
I plurk therefore I am
I blog at Starfire’s Travels – Follow along as I explore a str...
and I Flickr here Starfire Silverstar
I live in SL with my husband Yak Wise. Both our puppeteers are in the Netherlands although Yak has left this earth.
Depression is a real bitch. It never really goes away. It just lies dormant, lurking in the shadows, and when you least expect it, it comes barreling into your daily life to remind you that it’s there. There’s no escape either.
It’s like that annoying relative that nobody really likes but shows up everywhere and doesn’t go away.
So this evening I’ve been kinda spiraling downward again. Not sure why, but I can feel that dark cloud coming again.
I was at the doctor again today to go over my lab results. He was absolutely surprised at how good all of my values were. Even my cholesterol was perfect. The good cholesterol was high and the bad cholesterol was low.
He said, on paper I’m completely healthy! LOL
Go me!!
1 months ago 15 @Edit 1 months ago
Boom and just like that....there’s commercials in my plurk and my plurkicons are broken. Whhaaaaaaaaaaa!
Suspecting that the golden retriever puppy is dead,a...This video is a little bit long but it’s cute all the same.
FREEarmStar🌟🎉 shares
1 months ago 5
Yesterday I was at the doctor and good news is, I don’t have epilepsy!! He said that the chance was so small, I’d have more chances of winning the lottery. Yeah. I said...why didn’t you say that last time!? Instead of freaking me out like that! LOL
Bad news though, I do have a sleep disorder. No surprise there. I forgot the name of it, I’ll get it Friday.