Speckled Pie
388Friends 105Fans
male Daytona Beach, United States
We are all stories in the end.

Speckled Pie
17 hours ago 4
Get out of my flies, you beer!
Speckled Pie
3 days ago 2
I almost forgot. Because of Foggy.White Wine In The Sun by Tim Minchin
Speckled Pie
3 days ago
Not sure what the gooey stuff was but it's gone now. That is all.
Speckled Pie
5 days ago 3
Life really needs a save feature. I need so many restarts.
Speckled Pie
1 weeks ago 3
I thought I found my vicodin in my shirt pocket. 'twas but my nipple. For the record my nipple is not vicodin-shaped, I'm just an idiot.
Speckled Pie
1 weeks ago 6
I spend every day in an amazing amount of unending pain. You can't really get pain meds in FL any more so I just suffer. gidge found a random vicodin and it fell out of my pocket and I'm so sad.
Speckled Pie
1 weeks ago 5
We had to start referring to Bonk and Splat as the Twidiots because gidge would tell Lou that the twins were biting her toes and he thought she meant his brothers. We went with three 4' trees this year. Here is one and said cats. https://images.plurk.com/4WcCUX6DTIpjivhtxG2eMC.jpg
Speckled Pie
1 weeks ago 3
Well, we threw the pumpkins out. So there.
Speckled Pie
1 weeks ago 4
So broke. Anyone want to have sex with an old guy for a very reasonable price?