Beez The Mutant is
10 years ago
having a crisis of identity again. BoyAlt is usurping the position of "Main" and I'm tempted to freeze the Beezle plurk and start his back up again.
latest #15
Beez The Mutant
10 years ago
Go ahead and add him while I waffle about this.
Beez The Mutant
10 years ago
It's actually gone to the point where i'm thinking of having Cristiano switch my forum username over to him. :-P
10 years ago
Can I get some blueberries with those waffles?
Clara 🦄
10 years ago
Lizards don't eat berries, you aren't fooling anyone.
10 years ago
IT'S FOR A FRIEND! (angry)
Clara 🦄
10 years ago
Ah, like that bag of crack.
10 years ago
(frantically runs in) hey Lippmann have you got my um, "blueberries"? (looks around all shifty) oh hey what's goin' on on here guys???
Blue Rox
10 years ago
Clara 🦄
10 years ago
RoxanneBlue can have some :-P
Titter says
10 years ago
LoganBauer: the blueberries are next to the dishsoap. NOW GO WASH YOUR SHEETS YOUNG MAN!
Nora says
10 years ago
(woot) you're confusing.....I kinda like it
Clara 🦄
10 years ago
Confused and confusing!
Clara 🦄
10 years ago
<-- has Confusion as an natural AOE power.
Clara 🦄
10 years ago
-1 to Sanity in a 30' radius.
10 years ago
I like boyalt's plurk avatar.
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