377Friends 92Fans
female Pensacola, FL, United States
Real Life - Owner of FoxScales & Reyn Silversong : Second Life - Owner of Moondrops, sPunk and Facade Noir - DJ and roleplayer
4 months ago 8
I just think that this is fishy. Just saying.
8 months ago 7
Trying to figure out what I need to do to update all my old products for PBR is.... fun.
11 months ago 2
Trying to make my brain stop crocheting so I can, oh, I don't know, do all the other business stuff I need to do, and well, until enough people realize that crochet can not be done by machine, and that they can charge at -least- their materials cost, it is just not a sustainable business model.
1 years ago 1
My house is almost done being remodeled - wonder how long it will take to get everything reorganized again....
1 years ago 6
So, my mom wants to do another cruise, and thank Cthulu, its somewhere cooler in June, hopefully - we're going to Norway and Scotland and the Netherlands [that's where the ship is leaving from and going to. So, while I was going to learn Gaelic and Norwegian, instead its Dutch and Norwegian [plus keeping up with my Ukrainian and Polish]
1 years ago 1
I need to figure out a way to play up the art aspects of the stuff I make and sell....
1 years ago 9
And off to NJ again, this time vending at a Con.
1 years ago 9
I can't figure out how to use emotes in Palia..... O.o Hi SparkleSkye
1 years ago 1
Wheee - why did I think two cons practically back to back was a good decision?
1 years ago 2
So, someone needs to figure out a way to pick up a house and move it - the work on ours is so lovely, even if its not done yet, but.... its so fucking hot here and I just can't take much more of this.