Beez The Mutant
85Friends 0Fans
female Tempe, Arizona, United States
I mostly come out at night. Mostly.

Now posting as ✨⭐ My Latex Pony: Feminization Is Magic ⭐✨ [Clint_D]
Beez The Mutant
1 years ago 7
Woo, briefly logging into this account to deny spammers and "mark all as read." As much as I love a good necropost, 10 years is pushing the boundaries of acceptability.

Now, back to your reguarly scheduled . . . pony.
Beez The Mutant
10 years ago 6
Final warning: I'm switching to and turning this account off later today.
Beez The Mutant
10 years ago 8
Okay, throwing this out again because I'm locking this account soon because keeping track of two timelines is odd. Add my alt, he doesn't bite (unless he knows you really well).
Beez The Mutant is
10 years ago 15
having a crisis of identity again. BoyAlt is usurping the position of "Main" and I'm tempted to freeze the Beezle plurk and start his back up again.
Beez The Mutant
10 years ago 4
/me kicks plurk for that "1 responded" it won't let me see.
Beez The Mutant
10 years ago 22
Ask me anything you want. I reserve the right to lie through my teeth and/or shower you with sarcasm.
Beez The Mutant
10 years ago
#geeky To a programmer, a picture's worth 1024 words.
Beez The Mutant
10 years ago
Yay for plurks bleeding onto my timeline from other people's private timelines.