105Friends 148Fans
female Adeo, SecondLife (otherwise known as Texas), United States
wanderer, thinker, gardener, procrastinator I

4 years ago 15
https://images.plurk.com/yM9030mzP2RBRpOVu5O6c.jpg https://images.plurk.com/P2CiVszesUTMms9iPUSUH.jpg I am the bionic woman!
4 years ago 19
Hi, guys! (wave)I’m recovering. It’s been a rough week, but I’ve been home (surgery was on Monday, discharged on Tuesday). I had the absolute WORST experience in the recovery room. WORST 😢
4 years ago 14
Guys, just checked in to surgery. All pre-oped up. It is really quite unnerving that Chris can’t be here, at all. I’m fine right now, but I am a bit anxious about waking up and him not being able to be here 😕 But, in a few hours, I will be The Bionic Woman! Or the cyborg.
Anyway, love y’all! Wish me luck!
4 years ago
Also, Duke call this morning with news!
- covid test! Yay!
4 years ago 13
Well! So, my daughter FaceTimed me this morning with news!
Image: What a Positive Pregnancy Test Really Looks L...
4 years ago 3
Just got my covid test for surgery next week. Ugh, it’s still just the worst feeling. I swear it feels like they are tickling your 🧠 🤢
4 years ago 5
I think I am remembering this correctly, but this is for isle just random thinking of you whilst driving 😜
4 years ago 29
Who has a blood clot in her leg? (wave_okok)
4 years ago 11
https://images.plurk.com/2WCLf9zhhDimC8zZESpMI5.jpg https://images.plurk.com/33J5EKkzyBiBjRY7ky3ins.jpg so, I have this going on in yard this morning! So excite!
4 years ago 36
Thinking about ChefKarl’s Plurk about the Spanish Flu. Our kids and my mom are in Amarillo, panhandle of Texas. Pop ~200,000, more in the wider “panhandle”. Amarillo is the pop. center of the area. They are beginning to have exponential growth (doubling~every 4-5 days). The city has 2 hospitals. They have ~ 20ventilators between the two and half are in use.