5 months ago
This is the oldest picture of my dad from sometime in the 30s. He died 28 years ago today. I thought I would collect the pics of him in a FB album for my nieces and nephews kids and grandkids who were not lucky enough to know him. I had no idea it would make me so weepy.
latest #8
Alicia ✿
5 months ago
5 months ago
That’s a great pic
5 months ago
Luke Skywanker
5 months ago
Love that photo. And I'm sorry he's not still with you.
Cat Granny
5 months ago
What a great photo, and it's no surprise you are weepy
5 months ago
It was one of two photos, the other is of the river. This is where my grandparents homesteaded, the land to the right of the bridge was theirs.
5 months ago
5 months ago
Those photos we treasure of them.
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