Luke Skywanker
236Friends 17Fans
Seattle, WA, United States
I used to RP. Why are you even here?

Characters! Ask me how!
Luke Skywanker
12 minutes ago
I love my parents. I do theoretically love my brothers. But man, I get so squirrelly when I have to spend time with all of them. And I feel bad about that.
Luke Skywanker
6 days ago 7
[film] Saw 40th anniversary screening of Amadeus last night. I know it's common to think "they don't make 'em like they used to" but man, I left the theater in mourning for cinema.
Luke Skywanker
1 weeks ago 19 @Edit 1 weeks ago
[poto] Glenn Slater subsequently explained that Lloyd Webber "didn’t see [Love Never Dies] it as a sequel as much as 'a second story with these characters."'
Luke Skywanker
1 weeks ago 2
Oh yeah. Other update: I'm weirdly into baseball now, only my team is the Mariners, historic fuck-ups. It's been fun actually getting enough games under my belt to understand what I'm watching.
Luke Skywanker
1 weeks ago 10
My roommate gave me her old Pixel watch, what can I use it for other than being very cool?
Luke Skywanker
1 weeks ago
I know I haven't been around a lot. Been busy just trying to get my life in order. Going to my brother's wedding next week. Almost done with S1 of the podcast. Trying to rebuild my local family.
Luke Skywanker
1 weeks ago 19
Question of the day...

Do I feel confident directing a short play? Do I want to?
Luke Skywanker
1 months ago 8 TIL that Luke Skywalker was present at the manger.
Luke Skywanker
1 months ago 3
Look I am making a podcast for a reason, why does the world want it to be a video?
Luke Skywanker
1 months ago 14
[Alaska] I am home. this is nice because there's an actual bed etc etc. But on the other hand... I'm ruined for life.

But that was probably true before.

To sum up, here's the map: