102Friends 9Fans
female Nouveau, Second life
AKA Roslin Petion
Yesterday 12
Just thought I'd share the bit of progress I'm making. After making me feel absolutely awful for a bit, Auvelity seems to be working now. Depression is vastly improved, unfortunately though, one of the side effects is serious fatigue. Fingers crossed that fades in time.
1 weeks ago 4
1 week on Auvelity and I feel worse. I'm trying to be patient and give it time. I really don't know what I'll do if this doesn't work.
1 weeks ago 2
Dresden Dolls are streaming liveThe Dresden Dolls.
2 weeks ago 4
Cyndi Lauper doc on Paramount+ was really good, made me love her even more than I already did.
3 weeks ago 10
Watched The Hitman on Netflix tonight. It was a fun film, definitely worth a watch.
3 weeks ago 10
3 weeks ago 8
Finally got my Auvelity approved after THREE weeks. So glad I didn't listen to the pharmacy when they said my insurance wouldn't cover me and called them myself. Now I just have to hope the pharmacy carries it.
3 weeks ago 3
Weird - made a purchase on MP, didn't receive it, don't see it in my mp history purchases, purchased it again, same thing but when I check my transactions through the dashboard, it's there. Anyone have something like this happen?
4 weeks ago 5
Favorite BOM brows?