LOL thats awesome. the house is beautiful!
lol Darren.. I live in an Apartment in Southbank and I wasn't on google maps
LOL Google Maps is stalking you
Google maps is a little scary for me, a little big brother. However, I have seen my house on there and it was amusing.
Lucky shot
Now that's cool. Wish I was as popular as that
I live in Hawthorn and for some reason a large chunk of my suburb (including my house) was not street-viewed.
very neat. I quickly checked for our house...not there yet
Can anyone explain that? I mean, the whole of Philippines is not street-viewed. Though I last checked 4 months ago
the trees next to your fence
to be on Google too
well Australia has just gotten it, so it will take a while for Phillipines
you need some clover or grass seed
Thanks for the info Micheal
Hahah, I just google mapped my home, it's about 5 years old!
thx for sharing that
Well.. Earth is huge. I doubt Google could map it all at once.
we have grass now - that was taken 6 months ago just a few weeks after the house was completed and we moved in
put a huge "PROBLOGGER.NET" tarpaulin banner across your lawn.
I can't even get a satellite view where I live. "Data not available"
I just looked up my place on street view - and it doesn't go into the apartment complex just the road outside,
but you can see our cat in the window
Yes, that's what I thought, the pix of my house in Adelaide was taken over six months ago
well I'm sure Google doesn't want to create a fuzz with their cars going to your complex, L_Buckets
Wow. What a house! Hope you don't get any stalkers...
Well, technology has its disadvantages
So now we can see what you keep in your garage. What did you need to do to embed the pix onto your blog?
bloggers are going to be camping outside your house now...
chrisloft - just did a screen cap and then added teh arrows with ImageWell (a mac app)
That is pretty funny. Street view is a pretty slick thing albeit a little intrusive at times
I was hoping I'd see myself around the neighborhood.
it's like one of those ghost pics you see on TV shows. If you squint real hard...
They have the house across the street from us listed as our address. LOL. At least they aren't showing how badly our grass needs mowing.
Atlanta on recently got on google streetview
Interesting, Darren. Take extra care though next time you sunbathe outside.
That's funny!
that's a little creepy. I think I'll randomly stick my tongue out and make a face just in case.
Kari - you're assuming that I don't wear my hair that way
she is also finally on google maps
That's freaky Darren - no concerns about your privacy now that everyone's seen inside your garage?
The countdown until someone starts a site to collect "NSFW" images on Google Streetview starts now.
that makes Google a little bit creepy lol
that's hilarious - I just plurked about Google's visit to my house! It was on a rare day when the grass was mowed -