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male Milford, PA, United States
I am a Web Developer and Programmer, father of 2 awesome boys, husband, and college student.
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patricksweeney says
16 years ago
the new Twhirl update is pretty cool
patricksweeney says
16 years ago 12
patricksweeney says
16 years ago
i knew the cats where coming to get me: www.catswhothrowupgrass....
patricksweeney says
16 years ago
god I can't wait till dinner, shrimp, lasagna, pies....droolz
patricksweeney says
16 years ago 3
my karma is sinking like crazy!
patricksweeney says
16 years ago
he's chilling out to some Keane
patricksweeney says
16 years ago 24
"I mean, really? Who throws a shoe?"
patricksweeney shares
16 years ago 1
Jizz In My Pants I want to hate Andy Samberg but he keeps up with stuff like this
patricksweeney says
16 years ago 3
thanks for screwing us again US Government!
patricksweeney says
16 years ago 1
ever have things going so good even your smiles are smiling? (dance)