20Friends 42Fans
male Adelaide, Australia
Media Student, musician, sound engineer, lighting tech, record producer, video producer, web hosting services, social networking,
15 years ago 1 Cyborg Eyes
chrisloft says
15 years ago
Going offline for a while. Packing up my computer in the morning. I think I'll have to write some haiku about being homeless in Adelaide :-)
chrisloft says
15 years ago
Alright, want to hear something funny? I'm going to choir practice. See you later. First testing Ping . . .
chrisloft says
15 years ago
Hi Plurkers, I haven't been here for a very long while. How's it going? :-D
chrisloft says
15 years ago
Think I might catch the Adelaide Ukelele Appreciation Society in the front bar at the Governor Hindmarsh tonight - and grab a meal :-)
chrisloft says
16 years ago 1
Chris Loft is (relaxing) at the beach. Yes, the beach. Remote and private.
chrisloft says
16 years ago 3
Escaped from the House of Rats. Alive and well and living in Campbelltown. I need a garage for books and furniture. Doh . . .
chrisloft says
16 years ago 2
Sitting in the garden pulling out weeds. Not my garden. Not sure why. This is all very zen.
chrisloft says
16 years ago
Great party last night at Helen's. Loved those pizzas. Doh, arrived for gig today, but was three weeks early, better fix my mixed up brain.
chrisloft says
16 years ago 2
At the Gov, open mic wit the Texettes, full moon and a curry