2Friends 2Fans
"a real tough kid". european. will talk about music, anime and the everyday annoyances of being neurodivergent.
4 months ago 1
to those who can't believe i'm autistic or that i have significant struggles, i just had a meltdown over checks notes spilling a protein shake. i'm exhausted.
4 months ago
ps. i'm not paying for a service to be treated like shit. i'm changing gyms once my subscription is over
violet thinks
4 months ago 2
the way older academics talk about at home/independent learning disturbs me. they seem to ignore some of us work better by ourselves and at our own pace. supposedly we're becoming "antisocial" while we try to play to our natural strengths and ways of thinking.
violet hates
5 months ago
when you tell people you're autistic and then everyone believes you don't understand what they're saying, or if they're talking about you. ignorant much???
5 months ago 1
one thing i learned at an introductory university lecture to AI is that large language models are apparently bad at navigating in space. however, i tried to solve the example that our professor gave us and it turns out i'm just as bad at navigation as chatgpt. you can't prove i'm not a robot (droid_dance)
5 months ago 1
i don't get why there aren't more apps that use ai for automating tasks instead of chatbots and image generation. this is supposed to make our lives easier, not detach us from reality.
5 months ago
the jesc visual identity sucks (and it's ai generated, probably)
5 months ago
generational differences are so interesting. whenever my parents talk about "proper" rock music, it's always some arena rock/glam rock from the 80's, which was considered sell-out pop music at the time.
violet loves
5 months ago
cry for me #imaginaldisk
5 months ago
you're not going to get rid of me, no matter how hostile you are. my stubbornness wins. always. 😘