3Friends 3Fans
female Pittsburgh, PA, United States
I'm a geek. Also, I love popular culture.
vanessafine has
16 years ago
a misbehaving r key on her laptop. That makes writing anything pretty annoying.
vanessafine wonders
16 years ago
what is up with Bob Costas's hair. Is it a piece? Just too much Just for Men?
vanessafine wonders
16 years ago
if my employer would mind me knitting at my desk.
vanessafine is
16 years ago
so sad for the Chinese gymnast who fell off the uneven bars. She looks so young and so disappointed. Heartbreaking.
vanessafine says
16 years ago 2
it's a shame that the US did not beat the Dutch, but soccer is such a great sport to knit to.
vanessafine has
16 years ago 6
had a really really crappy customer experience tonight. I think Mad Mex on McKnight has totally jumped the shark.
vanessafine is
16 years ago 4
making progress on her olympic knitting
16 years ago
got her release out the door, and it's all good times ahead. Till Monday, at least.
vanessafine is
16 years ago
so tired. I don't wanna be a grownup today!
vanessafine wonders
16 years ago 1
if she should take Friday off to get a good start on her Ravelympics project.