3Friends 3Fans
female Pittsburgh, PA, United States
I'm a geek. Also, I love popular culture.
vanessafine is
16 years ago
waiting for the coals to be warm enough.
vanessafine thinks
16 years ago
that Obama's staff was crazy to schedule the big event vs a Stiller game. So much for winning over SW PA.
vanessafine feels
16 years ago
better today, but still not quite right, and so decided to take one more sick day. The guilt is hard to take.
vanessafine is
16 years ago 3
a successful knitting Olympian! Click to see the picture:
16 years ago 1
totally kicked ass and took names today. That's exhausting, people.
vanessafine is
16 years ago
thisclose to finished knitting the Ravelympics project.
vanessafine has
16 years ago
been to Trader Joe's, and didn't even stop in to the yarn store to buy yarn that she doesn't ned but would love.
vanessafine is
16 years ago
cleaning refrigerator shelves. This seems like an excess of virtue.
16 years ago
finds that the Olympic Marathon is kind of compelling viewing. I wouldn't have guessed that.
vanessafine feels
16 years ago
so sorry for Harvey Dent. I knew that would happen.