126Friends 28Fans
female Wisconsin , United States
Hi I’m Brigid and I haven’t changed this bio since high school. I’m now 25 and realized it was outdated when I went to change my relationship status to: married. I love our little Dalton Plurk family and Josie endlessly.
2 years ago
I love being expected to continue to work while the world burns... ah capitalism
2 years ago 9
I'm absolutely sick about the Roe v Wade leak. I can't get my head back on straight and I'm feeling grief in my entire body.
2 years ago 2
So we have a nesting robin in our garden for a few weeks (robins nest for 4 weeks then I can have my garden back) but I thought I’d share pics: https://images.plurk.com/2P6AFoadgvVPEL82hL7dnL.jpg https://images.plurk.com/6T9RLA2tULaCqg1sIpbkmi.jpg https://images.plurk.com/61J4gHGXjaSDvjZIoCFaWw.jpg https://images.plurk.com/s9YHbHeWtfrdsyERbafV.jpg https://images.plurk.com/6AhexFeGNj6qPsbhu7xaDI.jpg
2 years ago 7
If you told me 10 years ago that I would marry the girl of my dreams I would have called you crazy. But here we are 10 years to the day we started dating.

https://images.plurk.com/7CLPTDA3nd2kzYLJ2hbEcG.jpg https://images.plurk.com/2ytEzhEiGIA24hfJ3AohPa.jpg https://images.plurk.com/4KzBRoD6OWymRageuXQymA.jpg
3 years ago 5
So I’m making hot crossed buns for the sabbat tomorrow because they’re traditional for Ostara. I’ve never made bread before:
Me: So I let it rise for 90 mins then punch it then let it rise again for 10 mins
josiecrusso: yes
3 years ago 15
Got rejected for another job. Please send cuddles and pet pics
3 years ago
I got another one! Collecting all the certifications like Pokemon lol https://images.plurk.com/1E3ipqxBQ2Cwt8vQpQkVqU.png
3 years ago 2
Hell Yeah!!! https://images.plurk.com/jx6HU49MgscLEB7adI7Tn.png
3 years ago 3
Todays project was organizing kitchen and office things: https://images.plurk.com/i3RNCLNguSzVDu6AaRrJT.jpg https://images.plurk.com/IL7QyZyMnQqmDR31wTQkp.jpg
3 years ago 1
When you’re really sad and discouraged so your wife goes to target to build you a sad girl care kit: https://images.plurk.com/4pOf2G7i9zA2KQjLmQIPeU.jpg