2 years ago
I'm absolutely sick about the Roe v Wade leak. I can't get my head back on straight and I'm feeling grief in my entire body.
latest #9
2 years ago
I'm so scared.
2 years ago
The last time I remember feeling like this is when Trump was elected.
2 years ago
If anyone finds any resources on what we can do next let me know because I just feel the need to do something
2 years ago
You're not alone, this is terrifying. Personally I am looking into getting my tubes tied, which I know will be hard because of my age, but I don't know what other options there are.
2 years ago
I’m kind of they opposite. I’m a married gay woman I’m not gonna need an abortion. My specific brand of hell PCOS means my Birth Control is quite literally lifesaving. It prevents my insides from rearranging. And I WANT to be a mom. I always have. I’m going to need IVF treatment to do so. A lot of people say those are their next targets.
2 years ago
And then if they target Gay marriage: there goes my access to health insurance.
2 years ago
I’m more terrified about the implications of where they’ll go from here to police us.
2 years ago
Also good luck trying to get your tubes tied. My ovary was trying to kill me and they wouldn’t take it out...
2 years ago
It's setting a terrible precedent for other live saving healthcare for women, as well as bad precedents for potentially prosecuting people who have miscarriages, unused embryos for IVF, etc. This harms everyone.
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