Central Library
7 years ago
Questions for players about current situation.
latest #99
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
I have noticed that people have been doing Log posts for the Meet and Greet
7 years ago
This was posted as a meme. In character, on the logs comm... but people treated it like an OOC post.
7 years ago
What was miscommunicated about it so that I might fix this?
7 years ago
The purpose of a meet and greet is to do just that... branch out and meet new people.
7 years ago
I am seeing a lot of groups going off on their own instead of trying to meet new people.
7 years ago
I honestly thought the Valentine's Event was supposed to be done as a log post...
7 years ago
captain_flyboy shinotenshi22 TheHourMorgana AllintheBones MoiyaHatake - Your feedback is necessary and important especially
7 years ago
Matrixrefugee: What made you think that? May I ask?
I kinda just went with the flow. I suck at the meme thing anyways and thought it was a plotting post since that's the sort of posts I saw.
7 years ago
the only time things will be broken out and sent off on your own is when it is posted to the OOC community. I try never to put up something like that in the Log comm if I meant for you to go off like that
7 years ago
No idea, to be honest. Maybe just a habit from games having a plotting post??
7 years ago
It makes sense, most would figure plotting posts mean logs
7 years ago
It is not labeled a plotting post though
7 years ago
It did come off more like a plotting post then a log.
7 years ago
7 years ago
What made it come off that way?
7 years ago
Thirded. Just something about the wording, it's hard to explain...
7 years ago
just what other people posted?
7 years ago
Even though the entire thing was done in character?
Squad Mom
7 years ago
And it has scenarios like a bakerstreet meme?
7 years ago
Like I said, it's really hard to put it into words, what made it feel more like a plotting post...
7 years ago
It may have been the wording. The title read 'event' and quite often there is a pre-event post where players assemble and arrange ideas and such. This had that sort of a feel to with the way the scenarios were laid out. It was an excellent post, there was just something in the wording that didn't really feel like a meme.
7 years ago
It was worded more like "here are some ideas," and not "please post here."
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
I see. So I will need to put up a plotting post and the meme.
7 years ago
It was never done that way before and people understood what it was. It is strange how it changed in perception.
Squad Mom
7 years ago
What if we label it event/meme would we need both?
Squad Mom
7 years ago
Also, there were players requesting meme style meet and greet so that they could interact with a wider range of characters
7 years ago
A meme tag could only help?
Squad Mom
7 years ago
Do other games have their plotting posts on log communities?
from the ones that I have been in there is usually a separate community for events and memes
7 years ago
Moony_the_Sly: I addressed this already
7 years ago
I only put plotting posts in the OOC community
I know, that reply was in reference to what Squad mom mentioned about where plotting posts are places in other games
7 years ago
I am also going to delete all threads on the post that are related to plotting.
7 years ago
I apologize, but this was not it's purpose and the chain of people starting it off like that took it further away from its intended purpose.
7 years ago
There are players that we have noticed that are being completely left out and unnoticed due to all things being logs only. We called it a meet and greet for the purpose of you guys doing just that. Meeting characters and playing with them on multiple levels.
7 years ago
This is also why we let the logs for the first event keep going... so the private logs could go on as they were and not be disrupted by this smaller event
Squad Mom
7 years ago
I think quite a few people felt like that as well.
7 years ago
Which is why I am removing all but the Librarian Posts.
Squad Mom
7 years ago
No. The orientation was supposed to be log posts
7 years ago
orientation was a bigger event.. and meant to go in logs
7 years ago
which is why the post was in the OOC community
Squad Mom
7 years ago
pfft.. I was about to say that
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
If you also noticed in the Orientation event... I gave explicit instructions on how it would work. I did not think that it would be hard to realize what was going on when it was set up like a meme on the log comm
Squad Mom
7 years ago
Originally we were planning different styles of events, like the orientation and the meet and greet so that players had a choice of what type of event they wanted to be part of. Some people are better with the log type and others with memes
7 years ago
We had players express they needed something like a meme to get to know other characters and build initial CR
7 years ago
Which is understandable considering most players had not even met and we were throwing them into random team ups
7 years ago
I have titled it meme and even added a tag to it with meme
I don't go here anymore, but my 2cents is this. I thought it was for meme style. It was in the Log Com not the OOC com. So when I went to tag it and saw all the plotting posts, I backed out. For future thoughts, perhaps post a OOC post with info and space for questions, and the Event Post for RPing? /runs out of here once again/
7 years ago
I think it would have been less confusing - if the post had been a standard post by the mods; with Who: Everyone; What; Valentine Day event; Where; and then sub threads with the different choices but thats me
7 years ago
redlionspride: That is a good point. I will consider that for the future.
7 years ago
weefolk: This is a thought... but being as it is a main event, to list it in log style defeats the purpose of it standing out for attention grabbing.
if anything, that gives you a place for people to ask questions and plot, but doesn't clutter your log post.
7 years ago
^ That too
Squad Mom
7 years ago
In the past, meme style formatting had worked.
7 years ago
No one was confused or thought it was a plotting post and I did it the same way as this
7 years ago
This is why I was so confused by what happened
Squad Mom
7 years ago
We assumed since that was what had been requested and it is a standard rp format that it would be tagged into in a similar way
7 years ago
The only difference I made was adding two threads where players could ICly interact with the Librarian
7 years ago
All of which is in character and not OOC
7 years ago
But memes are grey with being ooc and ic; see dear player or the hearts meme
7 years ago
I will be sure to make it absolutely clear in the future as this one seems to have escaped notice so dramatically.
7 years ago
Where that is true, Murgy, you have been with us since the first opening and knew this was a particular way we have done this.
Squad Mom
7 years ago
And our players are always welcome to use the ooc comms to plot events before setting them up in the game comms
Squad Mom
7 years ago
We aren't saying that everyone has made an error in the current meet and greet. This is to discuss the problem that has occurred and to correct it
Squad Mom
7 years ago
The majority of us have been in games before and most of us play on bakerstreet regularly. We know the formats that are used for certain rping events
7 years ago
I believe the general consensus is that we need to set up an OOC post as well as the event meme itself.
Squad Mom
7 years ago
There's been so much plotting going on in plurks that it seemed like the ooc posts weren't necessary for hashing out the details
7 years ago
I am sorry for confusion and upset this may have caused... As I know some players were disheartened and sad by the fact it didn't not pan out as a meme like we planned. I truly hope those players that felt disregarded in this will accept my apology and know that I will do an OOC post as well as the event meme post next we do this.
7 years ago
It was simply assumed most people would plot in plurk as often is done. I did not think that people would literally think the meme itself was for plotting.
Squad Mom
7 years ago
Or that plotting other than one or two (ooc: how about option two) comments would happen
It may help to do an ooc plotting post for events maybe a week in advance? And then actually do the event. It could be something we utilize a calendar for that way everyone is on the same page.
If we do something consistent like that, it may be easier for everyone to stay on the same page as to how things are going to be handled
7 years ago
AllintheBones: I would love to see what you mean by calendar
Something like this!
7 years ago
I've skimmed through so forgive me if I've missed anythingas I comment with my opinion here based on what I'm understanding.
7 years ago
Traditionally in other games an event post has been treated as the post where all the threads happen. Normally there would be an OOC post announcing an event and allowing for plotting.
7 years ago
Not all players have plurks and usually plotting is done in game as ooc posts, not in outside sites, but it's understandable because we do see a lot of people on plurk plotting to assume it would be done here.
7 years ago
ut not everyone I've ever played with in games has had a plurk so I think an in game ooc post for plotting would clear things up for players.
7 years ago
also making it clear from this point forward that event posts are either optional log or meme style (tagging happens in the event post) will help a lot. I think mostly just clarifying things and moving forward will help everyone enjoy the game more.
7 years ago
hopefully my input helps. :-)
StarWarsEURebel says
7 years ago
when is activity check?
Squad Mom
7 years ago
We haven't set it yet. It will probably be end of March
7 years ago
Ok just didnt want to miss
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