Central Library
7 years ago
Applications are open again. The mod team is taking suggestions on App cycle frequency.
latest #25
Central Library says
7 years ago
We would like to set up reserves in a way that helps players who wish to app a 3rd character in to have the priority since it would be unfair to work toward a 3rd character and then have that possibility taken away before the AC is met.
/slides in an app
I'd say maybe once a month on the app cycle for now?
7 years ago
Only an idea: but maybe we could have a second cycle during holiday periods when more people are around (like Spring Break, Thanksgiving, Christmas and the like)?
Squad Mom
7 years ago
I was actually thinking of having them open all the time for now except we review apps like every Saturday
Squad Mom
7 years ago
Until we have the game going
That's not a bad idea either
7 years ago
I like that idea. it makes it predictable
Squad Mom
7 years ago
We may review other times but one specific day is for that
Squad Mom
7 years ago
And reserves page updated
Squad Mom
7 years ago
AllintheBones One section was missing
7 years ago
/Crosses fingers after sweing more SW apps
7 years ago
by the way, we can remove Casey. I don't think I'll be apping a 3rd char anytime soon.
7 years ago
and if someone else wants him (I don't know why...I love my moron-char but still) he should be available/open
wait shit was it
There we go Sorry about that
7 years ago
all the reserves from Shiro and up were from last month, idk if reserves are good for more than a month?
Squad Mom
7 years ago
I was going to leave them up for a bit to give time to contact them to see if they wanted to re-reserve. I know that some of the players were having technical problems so they missed the app period
7 years ago
Gotya :3
Squad Mom
7 years ago
I'm going to be tempted to pick up muses now x_X
Squad Mom
7 years ago
The old reserves will have until 2/17 to respond. Then they will be removed from the ilst
7 years ago
Casey can go ahead and be removed.
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