I feel like if someone tells you bad news that is irritating but not the end of the world, then follows it up with “don’t sound mad or upset!” then that is when it becomes infuriating instead.
I would give my left pinky to know what the absolute fuck happened in BHVR Studios' that they just cancelled a year's worth of content (except for probably the FNAF crossover) for Dead By Daylight to do their own Operation Health.
I lead a really grindingly busy life, so I cannot promise anything of this will happen, but: I am legitimately intrigued by this meme going around so yeah, dare me to do something in 2025, let's see what comes of it.
Gotta love that part of the post stomach virus recovery where you take a sip of something, and you get to listen to your guts make horrible alien squelching sounds for a second, just to conclude "yeah that's probably alright."
Arcade A-Cho in Kyoto is closing next month. I never have been, obviously, but that place felt mythic; an institution that was one of the first bridges between the Japanese and international fighting game communities. It didn't feel like it could close, and it's hard not to mourn its departure.
Caught a student watching Netflix on their cellphone in class today. I told her I wouldn’t take her phone because it’s almost Christmas and I’m not heartless.
But I did also tell her if she didn’t put it away and finish her paper for my class I would spoil the entire season for her because I am evil.
I'm kind of fascinated by a specific genre of post in the dying days of Twitter that has always existed but seems to be really manifesting at an accelerated rate now.