mZ. fEaRLeSs
105Friends 61Fans
female eXaJg ciTy..!!!, Philippines
OCSAT Sophomore Cheering Squad 09
FrEsHmEn chEErdanCe 08
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mZ. fEaRLeSs
12 years ago
gardenia & goldilocks. YUM YUM! (hungry)
mZ. fEaRLeSs
12 years ago
I'm single because i am saving myself for someone who deserves me. :-)
mZ. fEaRLeSs
12 years ago
mZ. fEaRLeSs
12 years ago
miscommunication leads to fall-out.
mZ. fEaRLeSs
12 years ago
simple complication
mZ. fEaRLeSs
12 years ago
nimel ui. aha man tu? tsk! :-(
mZ. fEaRLeSs
12 years ago
TGIF :-)
mZ. fEaRLeSs
12 years ago
And the story of us Looks a lot like a tragedy now
mZ. fEaRLeSs
12 years ago
"True friendship is based on trust, honesty and sincere generosity of our hearts."
mZ. fEaRLeSs
12 years ago
No matter how serious life gets, you will constantly need the company of people whom you can completely be stupid with.