mZ. fEaRLeSs
105Friends 61Fans
female eXaJg ciTy..!!!, Philippines
OCSAT Sophomore Cheering Squad 09
FrEsHmEn chEErdanCe 08
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mZ. fEaRLeSs
12 years ago
first love could always be sweeter, but also the most painful thing you could ever remember.
mZ. fEaRLeSs
12 years ago
Every willing heart finds a way. Every unwilling heart has many reasons.
mZ. fEaRLeSs
12 years ago
Sometimes we have to stand alone, just to make sure we still can. Being alone sometimes is not that bad after all..
mZ. fEaRLeSs
12 years ago
I've got so many reasons to smile(: <3
mZ. fEaRLeSs
12 years ago
ekonomiks! TSK. X-(
mZ. fEaRLeSs
12 years ago
evenin... :-D
mZ. fEaRLeSs
12 years ago
My friends remind me of rainbows. They are colorful, bright, fun to see, and make me smile every time I see them. :-)
mZ. fEaRLeSs
12 years ago
when the world gives you a 100 reasons to cry, show the world you have a 100 more reasons to smile. =)
mZ. fEaRLeSs
12 years ago
You'll never meet anyone like me. I hope it's not too late when you finally realize that .. (tongue)
mZ. fEaRLeSs
12 years ago
I finally realized, I deserve better. I'm moving on. It's time for a new beginning, without you. :-)