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Taipei, Taiwan

分享成功學、企業經營與創業、任何正向積極的事(從閱讀、健康、創意 到 好科學、教育 都講)、各種雜知識、以及我的閱讀動態。

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11 years ago 2
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12 years ago
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12 years ago
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12 years ago 3
Neil Gaiman回答:「你是瘋了,因為長大沒有那麼了不起,想當作家現在就可以開始」
( I want to be an author when iI grow up. am i insane?
"yes, growing up is highly overrated. just be an author." )
成功噗 分享
12 years ago 3
「如果你有夢想,就勇敢去實現,不要後悔。」--陳彙中 (TPA隊長)
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12 years ago
「取得進展的秘訣,就是開始動手做」--Mark Twain
(The secret of getting ahead is getting started.)
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12 years ago
「如果你自己不築夢,別人會雇用你來築他們的!」--Rosita Weller
(If you don’t build YOUR dream, someone will hire you to build THEIRS!)
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12 years ago
「你必須做那些你認為自己辦不到的事。」--Eleanor Roosevelt
(You must do the thing you think you cannot do.)
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12 years ago
「我做過很多事,最終都證明非常有價值……但在一開始時都讓我嚇得半死。」--Betty Bender
(Anything I've ever done that ultimately was worthwhile... initially scared me to death.)