9Friends 8Fans
male Minneapolis, MN, United States
steveking says
9 years ago
a plurk, just because...
steveking says
11 years ago 2
plurk, plurk, plurk, plurk....
steveking says
12 years ago 2
Just because I still like plurk, I am posting.
steveking shares
12 years ago 3's been real quiet on pluk and I haven't post in a while, so here is a trout I caught last week.
steveking asks
12 years ago 2
anyone want to hit a trout stream friday or saturday?
steveking shares
12 years ago 2
It was a bit chilly this morning, but still caught 10. I like the spots on this one.
steveking says
12 years ago
I love the Monday off after working Fri-Sun.
steveking shares
12 years ago
Got a nice one today.
steveking asks
12 years ago
anyone want to skip work and go trout fishing tuesday?