9Friends 8Fans
male Minneapolis, MN, United States
steveking shares
12 years ago
I got a new tenkara rod today (happy birthday to me!) Went down to Hay Creek and caught some browns.
steveking shares
13 years ago Ethan and I were able to sneek off for a couple of hours on Hay today.
steveking says
13 years ago
I am up way too early for a day off
steveking shares
13 years ago 4
Sorry to all you who had to work today.
steveking is
13 years ago 3
home for 7 days off!
steveking says
13 years ago 2
I experience vertigo for the first time today. Very strange. I was on an old railroad bridge with Jon and when I looked down and got dizzy.
steveking says
13 years ago 2
my day consisted of slicing open 5,600 boxes of cereal and dumping them into a hopper to be repackaged. I'm tired.
steveking shares
13 years ago
13 years ago
Some pretty sunnies from the pond
steveking says
13 years ago 2
can't sleep