88Friends 257Fans
female Virginia Beach, VA, United States
snbeach is
15 years ago 3
Just had a 2 hour conversation with online friend and we solved the problems of 21st C- so take today off.
snbeach is
16 years ago 11
Happy NY!
snbeach is
16 years ago 14
back on plurk.
snbeach is
16 years ago 4
working on a self-assessment for 21st Century skills. How would you measure 21st C effectiveness?
snbeach is
16 years ago 3
tired of waking up so early.
snbeach is
16 years ago 4
preparing for an EETT ws for tomorrow on planning for 21st C teaching. How to develop effective lessons that are rigourous and creative.
snbeach wonders
16 years ago
kevinh I met someone who could have been your brother today
snbeach wonders
16 years ago 2
Ok been asked to present to 500 teachers in a NY teacher's union on what will schools be like in 5-10-20 years. What do you see? Imagine...
snbeach wonders
16 years ago 22
Describe the last time you infused technology into a lesson. What were you teaching? What did you do? What was the objective?
snbeach wonders
16 years ago 37
Think of the worst teacher you ever had..what usually happened in terms of instruction in that class?