On Thursday, after weeks of research, my 5th graders moderated a debate between two 8th grade classes ....
Paul Bogush's class is in CT, Ginger Lewman's is in Kansas and we are on Long Island in NY. We used Oovoo to run the debate. The kids
ran the whole thing. During the debate, some of my students sat in the back with another computer and added to Paul's CoverIt Live blog.
students used Audacity to record differences in author's tone from a variety of texts; reading w/appropriate expression to accentuate tone
The whole thing was UStreamed. The children thought about, discussed, and debated election issues. How's that for integration?
My last lesson on Friday the 2nd graders read the descriptive paragraph from their partner class on the wiki and tried to recreate their
Objective: identify author's tone. Students also chose accompanying background music & clipart scenes; recorded to a powerpt then photostory
scary spud. The main objective was working on descriptive writing for an audience. On this day they were reading .
Used glogster to encourage higher order thinking skills in response to a book. Purpose was to explored metaphors in titles.
We used Google docs to create questions that would be used to ask other classes about a 2 minute video we watched. Then students had to go
and revise those questions so each one of them would meet upper levels of the revised Bloom's Taxonomy. The collaboration permitted them to
compare original questions and the newly improved, higher order thinking questions.
my students use their laptops daily for everything from typing papers, to research, to illustrating with TuxPaint, to using Kidspiration....
Create a 3-panel cartoon with toondoo to (obj) share the knowledge they'd previously gained about local council services. (8-9 year olds)
I have like 100 questions related to these lessons. Anyone willing to be interviewed?
snbeach maybe, but
mrscoggin is the one that put the scary spud wiki together and has lots of creative ideas. She would be a good one to