66Friends 37Fans
male Ottawa, ON, Canada
I'm a marketing specialist from Ottawa Ontario. I blog about productivity, persuasion and prose at
16 years ago 7
Whoah, a police cruiser just careened across the median in front of my apt, took out a lamp pole, spun twice and landed on the sidewalk!!!
smithereensblog hates
16 years ago 6
when my fingers get sweaty and the two-finger scroll stops working right on my MBP.... TMI?
smithereensblog loves
16 years ago
Mike Fruchter on Friendfeed: He started a thread offering invites to Streamulous and the results are hiLARious, check it:
smithereensblog is
16 years ago 14
sure I am not the first one to say this, but Plurk needs a tab that shows all the Plurks you've commented on in one place. Badly. Agree?
smithereensblog says
16 years ago
Would the real Scobleizer please stand up? A fake Scoble and the real one have commented on my Steamulous post. Have you?
smithereensblog shares
16 years ago 3
Finally! The Answer to Your Aggregation Frustration, Plurkers: Let me know what you think! ;-)
smithereensblog feels
16 years ago 4
sorry for being plurk-absent so long. Went away to a cottage for the long weekend :-) What'd I miss??
16 years ago 13
Welcome to all my new Plurk friends care of bloggeries. Look forward to your plurks!
16 years ago 29
would love to see some more responses to plurk-thread "What would your custom designed witty t-shirt say?"
smithereensblog thinks
16 years ago 46
that plurk is more like a multi-threaded chat room than a microblogging platform. Thoughts?