ingin tertawa lepas tanpa topeng,,,
is there someone who want to listen my true feeling?
is there someone who never judge me,,
is there someone who always said that ''you'll be okay, just believe that you can do it, just take your dreams,, and i always support you no matter what''
is there someone who believe in me?
di tokyo lagi badai salju,, mudah''an disana baik baik saja ya,,, jangan sampe masuk angin,,
krn kmu ga tahan ama dingin,,
abis ditulis legaaa semuaa unek'' yg td mo disampein lngsung tpi ditahan~ *walo ga semua sik sbnernya~ tpi alhamdulillah legaa~
really miss him...
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
My Precious Man
itu album jump pengen beli semuanyaa 😞😞😞
keselny ama diri sendiri sebenernya haah~ 😞😞😞😞😞😞