i hate when people talking bad about him~ gosh~ she just dont understand~ she dont understand at all~ she just judge him~
with that all negative things she said..~ gosh~ you don't know him little girl~ stop pretending that you know him~ before this neechan got mad with you~ just shut up your mouth already~ dang!
rada kesel jga sik bacanya~ pengen ngomen ''lu kalo ga tau apapa ga usah komen sok tau ''dia'' segalanya'' trus ga jdi ~ ya~ emang gw tau masalah ''dia'' yg sbnerny ap? *dibilang ga tau jg ngga sik~ dibilang tau banget jg... terlalu abu abu~
kapanlah adem ayem ini rumah 😑 tiap hari ad aj yg diributin~ jdi cwo sih mulut ga dijaga 😑 ama orgtua ngelawan nya naudzubilah 💀 cwok tpi kek cewek mulutnya