sef_lopod has
1 weeks ago
been sent my sister-in-law's old 4G phone but has yet to succeed in getting it to do anything much.
sef_lopod is
1 weeks ago
including not being able to get it to power up from the screen or any of its side buttons initially, nor being able to pick up a phone call when someone tried to call me.
sef_lopod has
1 weeks ago
only got 1 bar of signal most of the time. I've only got as high as 2 bars when pointing it at my neighbour's house from the upstairs window (where it might be getting a boost from their own repeater system) or through the thinnest section of wall facing towards the town.
sef_lopod needs
1 weeks ago
more instruction on where to even find the functionality (it's a bit randomly turning up at the moment rather than on a consistent set of actions).
sef_lopod will
1 weeks ago
still possibly need a fake finger (stylus) for it to believe more consistently in my existence as a valid operator of a phone.
sef_lopod has
1 weeks ago
not even found how to turn it off voluntarily - whereas it's continually going to sleep while I'm studying it to try to make it do stuff.