11Friends 23Fans
male VT, United States
Things need not necessarily have happened to be true.
2 years ago
Apparently my last plurk was the time we saw a moose, the first week after we moved to VT...uh...12 years ago. Anybody still here?
dwenius says
14 years ago
Today, we saw moose. Just amblin' off someone's farm, heading across the road, being all HPLY SJOT ENORMOUS. Then, back to boxes.
dwenius says
14 years ago
Boxes boxes boxes boxes DELIGHTFUL LUNCH WITH FRIENDS boxes boxes boxes boxes. More boxes. then, later, a box or two. aaaaaaand...a box.
dwenius is
14 years ago
is a sappy creature of habit. I just said so long to my favorite breakfast deli people and baristas and now I'm all misty.
dwenius is
14 years ago
is pack/sort/shredding 12 years of office/job. HEAVY nostalgia. Saving the first paper + pencil "server/network" diagram for framing.
dwenius says
14 years ago
Also: hply sjot there are a lot of cables here. and, tragically, I am a sorter, not a "misc. cables" packer.
dwenius says
14 years ago
Beginning the process of packing the studio. Adding to the process this time is the question: goes into storage or hides in a corner?
dwenius says
14 years ago
It may be worth taking up golf just for the chance to one day crush Rand Paul's nuts with a driver. Hey, "Sometimes accidents happen".
dwenius says
14 years ago
dwenius says
14 years ago
"A rather tragic irony. Which is something they also invented." ping.fm/hRIXz