31Friends 5Fans
male Los Angeles, CA, United States
Pickleman says
12 years ago 3
found one of my photos on a photo tips website. www.spectrumphotographyt...
Pickleman says
12 years ago 8
got a collection notice from Norway for a three year old bill we already paid. tak.
Pickleman says
12 years ago 19
well poo. the movie was fun while it lasted but IATSE forced them to fire me today :-(
Pickleman says
12 years ago 4
we are shooting the last scene of the night. only a couple more all nighters left for the crew. trying to make as many friends as possible.
Pickleman says
12 years ago 10
is the only one in costume at work again. I hope there are more people on set tonight than just me in costume! at least the actors will be
Pickleman says
12 years ago
my friend Matthew proposed via flashmob a couple of weeks ago.... SurpriseFlashMobEngagement
Pickleman says
12 years ago 6
grrr. just got pressured to cancel out on a paying night job to work late for free at my day job. but right in front of me he invites
Pickleman says
12 years ago 15
19 hr workday. 3 hrs sleep. now stabby stabby needles. but at least I get to watch Lost while they work on my face....
Pickleman says
12 years ago 1
workin on the camera truck baby!