19 hr workday. 3 hrs sleep. now stabby stabby needles. but at least I get to watch Lost while they work on my face....
latest #15 Is it exciting, though?
He's at the dentist. Getting a crown, I think?
I was hoping that it was the dentist and not some covert ops mission where he had to change his face.
Booo - I hoped they were putting make-up on him for a part or something.
Heh. No just a couple of fillings, apparently.
more like 9 fillings at least. it was hard to keep track.
they left the 3 other teeth that need crowns and root canals for next time.
Thought they wouldn't know about root canal until they got in there?
That sucks!
that totally sucks!
this ones are previous fillings that have gone bad. so she has to break them out and make crowns. I guess root canal is likely...
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