191Friends 146Fans
female Second life
Phoenix Welles

Founder of The Inkwell Literary Club Second Life Maps | Pan Ho
{Retired} Owner/creator of ::Eclectic Firefly:: and ~Dreams in Digital Art Gallery~
1 years ago 5
whoah... been a while. Heyo all
6 years ago 3
(wave) well looks like Tumblr is imploding under the weight of their own stupidity.
6 years ago 7
So as much as I hate too, I think I'm letting go of at least some mainland parcels. I'm just not logging into SL these days, and as limited income as I am, it's a waste of money.
6 years ago 2
Anybody else quietly wonder if Kavanaugh’s wife is ok?


Roommates saying he’s a belligerent drunk.

All the accusations have a side order of “he was drunk.”


He likes beer.

I mean, unless he doesn’t drink any longer…

Like, is she ok? Or is she another victim?
6 years ago 10
(wave) still not dead
6 years ago 4
So sad about Anthony Bourdain
6 years ago 4
Apparently yesterday was my plurkversary. Oh, and I'm not dead, lol. I just mostly live on tumblr these days.
7 years ago 5
I made an art! It's technically a fan-art of a fanfic (the YoI Siren AU for those who care) but it's pretty either way and I'm mostly happy.
7 years ago
who else is watching the team skating event?
7 years ago 1
https://www.instagram.com/p/BenVu1ql5Cl/ BRRRRR it's cold outside. Meanwhile, shitty phone camera photo of the blue blood supermoon