36Friends 35Fans
male Podunk, IN, United States
You know that little voice that says This can't possibly be a good idea? I shut it up with tequila.
sıuoʞɹǝd shares
14 years ago
sıuoʞɹǝd says
14 years ago
I had such a conflagration going on the grill that a hobbit ran by and tried to throw a ring into it.
14 years ago
2400 miles and 4 airports later, I think I'm done for the day.
14 years ago
Who in the hell sticks a Java front end on an FTP server? Seriously? People make my head hurt.
14 years ago
I'm supposed to be writing a paper but somehow the 16 browser tabs, Skype, Gtalk, Fintune and random sidebar gadgets keep distracting me.
14 years ago
If I can get just 1 more item on my desk that operates at 2.4 GHz I think I will be able to microwave a potato.
14 years ago
I think I'm going to take a mulligan, go back to bed and try this day again. So far this round has been a complete waste.
14 years ago
I think some core process in my brain failed to boot up this morning.
sıuoʞɹǝd says
14 years ago
Karma 0.00. So that's what happens when you wander off for a few months. (LOL)
14 years ago
I just saw someone driving around with a cowbell on their trailer hitch. That is a sure sign that I'm back in Indiana.